Cowbell Story Contest WINNERS!!!

Cowbell Story Contest WINNERS!!!

Teacher cowbell

Cooper Cowbell Poem by a Cooper Cowboy:

A Cooper Cowboy uses their Cooper Cowbell for everything.
Children settle down quickly every time they hear it ring.

It tells them when work time is up and to finish if they can.
It beckons them in from recess to start learning once again.
It signals time for assemblies, DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read) and so much more.
At the end of the day it tells us when to line up at the door.
Yes, a Cooper Cowboy uses their Cooper Cowbell for everything
And each Cooper Cowboy awaits the next challenge that it brings.

Football (Cheerleader) Mom

Several years ago I purchased a cow bell at Ridge View High School.  It was a fundraising effort.  At the time I didn't have a child in a sport but when my daughter became a cheerleader, I would always bring the cow bell to every game.  To Chelsea's shock and dismay, her mother would ring, ring and ring that bell-rooting on the teams as well as the cheerleaders.  In all her efforts, Chelsea tried to keep the other cheerleaders from rooting me on.  She even hid the bell for a small part of the season until I refused to take her to her games unless I had my bell.

Well today, the "bells" have it!  Chelsea is now a senior cheerleader and despite her continual efforts to keep the girls from rooting me on and my cow bell ringing moments, the rest of the girls and I are having fun.

As a matter of fact, I have been placed in charge of the senior gifts for all the senior cheerleaders so guess what they are getting?  A cow bell!!!!!!

It has been a joy to watch Chels grow up around this fun and I'm confident that she wouldn't have it any other way.  One day she will ring her own cow bell at her daughters events!!!!! 

--- Vanessa

The Fanatics

Mr. Dustin, a 5th grade teacher in Mendota, California, is what one might call a football "fanatic". It's not enough for his man to attend local high school football games and enjoy the purity of the sport while sitting in the stands. No, no, no...that would just not being him any satisfaction. Indeed, Mr. Dustin requires passion, intensity and downright lunacy during football games!

The Mendota High School football team has been down in the dumps for the past few years. Recognizing a need, Mr. Dustin took it upon himself to attend games and act as crazy and loud as possible. One night during a football game, as Mr. Dustin was demonstrating his lunacy by blowing an annoylingly loud horn and ringing cowbells in a fury, he noticed a little boy come alongside him and ask if he too could ring a cowbell. Mr. Dustin agreed, and before long he noticed other children gathering around yearning to participate. The craziness seemed to be contagious!

Later that night, Mr. Dustin was shoveling down a hot dog and the athletic director for Mendota High School suggested, "You should try to get a group of elementary kids to attend games - tell them they'll get in free if they accompany you."

With that suggestion sprang the idea for an elementary club called the "Fanaztecs". Currently the group is more than 40 strong. The students who participate have made custom T-shirts, sweaters and even wooden tomahawks. Now, thanks to, the students have really taken their fan gear up to a new level!

The result has been marvelous. Kids are enthusiastic about attending games and suporting local athletics. The high school football team is off to its best start in five years. And never in the history of the Mendota Aztecs has the cheering been so loud and proud! Thank you!