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Runner's spirit lifted with cowbell cheering at ultra 50K trail run
Devil on the Divide 50K Trail Run participant gives feedback on bells:
"... One thing that I will never forget was the people with the cow bells. I had several low points during the race and every time that I felt discouraged, I heard someone ringing the bell. This lifted my spirit and encouraged me to continue the race. At no moment during the race did I feel that I was going to quit but those bells let me know that the aid stations were near and that I was going to be taken care of.
During the last two weeks I have been thinking about those bells and what they represent. In the movie It's a Wonderful Life, one of the main characters said that every time that somebody rang a bell, an angel got his wings. I don't think that that's true, but I do know that the people ringing the bell during the race were like angels sent from heaven..."
Art proof for Devil on the Divide trophy bell, below. They also had other bells at the aid stations. A Boo-boo Bell Box is a great option for aid station cheering cowbells.